Office Worker (remote work) - Occupational Health and Safety Initial Training - Online Sample Test - Exam Questions and Answers

1 . Supervision and control over compliance with labor law is exercised by:

2 . The hiring of women in prohibited works is:

3 . An accident at work is any event:

4 . Each worker, at the same time employed in the work room, shall have at least:

5 . Responsibility for the health and safety at work in the establishment is:

6 . The working time of the adolescent worker over 16 years must not exceed:

7 . Periodic medical examinations shall be subject to:

8 . The accident protocol shall be made no later than:

9 . In the office room, the air temperature must not be less than:

10 . The adaptation of machinery, equipment, working tools and workstations and the environment to the anatomical and psychophysical characteristics and capabilities of man is dealt with: