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Office Worker (remote work) - Occupational Health and Safety Initial Training - Online Sample Test - Exam Questions and Answers
1 . Supervision and control over compliance with labor law is exercised by:
A. Supreme Chamber of Control
B. National Labor Inspectorate
C. Prosecutor's Office
2 . The hiring of women in prohibited works is:
A. Workers admissible on written request
B. Possible if the trade union agrees
C. Prohibited and is a misdemeanor against the law of the employee
3 . An accident at work is any event:
A. Causing injury or death of an employee
B. Sudden, external cause causing injury or death and remaining in connection with work
C. Causing incapacity to work
4 . Each worker, at the same time employed in the work room, shall have at least:
A. 10 m3 free volume of the room and 3 m2 of free, unoccupied by technical equipment, devices etc. of floor surface
B. 13 m3 free volume of the room and 2 m2 free, not occupied by technical equipment, devices, etc. of floor surface
C. 15 m3 free volume of the room and 3 m2 free, not occupied by technical equipment, devices, etc. of floor surface
5 . Responsibility for the health and safety at work in the establishment is:
A. Head of the health and safety department
B. Employer
C. Company social labor inspector
6 . The working time of the adolescent worker over 16 years must not exceed:
A. 6 hours a day
B. 8 hours a day
C. 12 hours per day
7 . Periodic medical examinations shall be subject to:
A. All employees employed in the establishment
B. Only workers who are employed in a working position
C. Only employees who are engaged in harmful and burdensome positions
8 . The accident protocol shall be made no later than:
A. 10 days from the date of notification of the accident
B. 14 of the day on which the notification of the accident is obtained
C. 21 days from the date of the accident
9 . In the office room, the air temperature must not be less than:
A. 16 °C
B. 18 °C
C. 20 °C
10 . The adaptation of machinery, equipment, working tools and workstations and the environment to the anatomical and psychophysical characteristics and capabilities of man is dealt with:
A. Ergonomics
B. Physiology of Labor
C. Sociology
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