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Teacher and Other Educational Worker - Occupational Health and Safety Initial Training - Online Sample Test - Exam Questions and Answers
1 . Supervision and control over compliance with labor law is exercised by:
A. Supreme Chamber of Control
B. National Labor Inspectorate
C. Prosecutor's Office
2 . An accident at work is any event:
A. Causing injury or death of an employee
B. Sudden, external cause causing injury or death and remaining in connection with work
C. Causing incapacity to work
3 . Periodic medical examinations shall be subject to:
A. All employees employed in the establishment
B. Only workers who are employed in a working position
C. Only employees who are engaged in harmful and burdensome positions
4 . For a holiday of recovery of health can only apply a teacher whose seniority in the school is at least:
A. 3 years
B. 5 years
C. 7 years
5 . The temperature of the premises in which the school classes take place should be at least:
A. 16°C
B. 18°C
C. 20°C
6 . Breaks in classes students spend:
A. Under the supervision of the usher
B. Under the supervision of a teacher
C. Unattended
7 . What is occupational risk?
A. Risk of loss of property by the employer and economic losses incurred by him
B. Impact of environmental hazards
C. The likelihood of adverse work-related events causing loss, in particular workers suffering from unfavourable health effects (e.g. injury, occupational disease) as a result of occupational hazards occurring in working environment or associated with the way it is exercised
8 . Responsibility for the health and safety of work at school shall be borne by:
A. An occupational health and safety officer
B. The head of the school
C. Any employee
9 . The technical condition of equipment and sporting equipment should be checked:
A. At least 1 time per school year
B. After each holiday break
C. Before each class
10 . The cash equivalent for unused leave shall be granted to the worker/teacher:
A. Who has not used the annual leave; Paid to the end and quarter of the following year
B. In case of termination or termination of the employment relationship
C. After the expiration of 3 years from the year in which the leave was not used
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