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Health and Safety Service - Occupational Health and Safety Initial Training - Online Sample Test - Exam Questions and Answers
1 . Supervision and control over compliance with labor law is exercised by:
A. Supreme Chamber of Control
B. National Labor Inspectorate
C. Prosecutor's Office
2 . The juvenile is entitled to weekly uninterrupted rest in the amount of:
A. 48 hours, including Sunday, each week
B. 48 hours in any period of the week
C. 60 hours, including Sunday
3 . The main responsibilities of the managers of employees are:
A. Work in accordance with safety and health regulations and principles
B. Organizing the workplace in accordance with the regulations and principles of occupational safety and health
C. Taking part in the training and safety and health instruction
4 . The hiring of women in prohibited works is:
A. Workers admissible on written request
B. Possible if the trade union agrees
C. Prohibited and is a misdemeanor against the law of the employee
5 . An accident at work is any event:
A. Causing injury or death of an employee
B. Sudden, external cause causing injury or death and remaining in connection with work
C. Causing incapacity to work
6 . Which machines and equipment should have safe handling instructions?
A. Only machines and equipment in production plants
B. All machines and equipment
C. Only the machines and equipment constituting the greatest accident hazard
7 . The illuminance in the workplace is dependent on:
A. The nature, type and accuracy of the work performed
B. Employee's ability to do so
C. Working time
8 . The employer must ensure that the worker is trained in health and safety at work:
A. Before he/she is admitted to work
B. Up to one month from the date of taking the work
C. Up to three months from the date of taking the work
9 . The types of personal protective equipment whose use in workstations is necessary shall be determined by:
A. An occupational safety and health care professional
B. The employer
C. An employer in agreement with a company trade union or employee representation
10 . For the offenses against the employee's rights, the labour inspector may punish the employer:
A. Referral to the prosecutor
B. The mandate
C. Referral to the College of Health and Social Affairs The voivode
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